Design Resume

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cutting complete

Yea! I did it! All the cutting for my dress is complete! It only took me about four hours to do it all. The first picture shows my first pinned section. If you notice, I pinned it OVER my size line. This was before I called my grandma and found out that was supposed to be my CUTTING line! Good thing I called her! Oh it was soooo much fun re-pinning it.....ugh! If I never see a straight pin again I will be in heaven. My back is so sore from crouching and kneeling while I was pinning and cutting. After all the pieces where done, I rewarded myself by vegging and watching movies.

This is the skirt back that I had to cut on the fold.

The pinning goof.
...And the recovery.
One of the bodice/sleeve pieces finished.

Tomorrow will be the easier task (I hope) of sewing it all together. Good thing these are my days off! Huge thank you to my friend Maria for lending me her sewing machine and showing me how to use it! She is a great seamstress and quilter.

Hopefully in the next day or two I'll have the finished product done to share with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For your inspiration I have a little gift for you here